Reduce your total credit card payments by up to 30-50%

What is your total credit card debt amount?

Debt Amount

You are not alone:

Ahmed A. got help with $25,000 in NS13 minutes ago
Gurkirpal S. got help with $24,999 in ON17 minutes ago
Cassandra P. got help with $13,300 in ON18 minutes ago
Melanie G. got help with $30,000 in QC18 minutes ago
Juanita I. got help with $50,000 in BC57 minutes ago
Cindy P. got help with $10,000 in QC57 minutes ago
Keven B. got help with $17,500 in QC1 hour ago
Miegele R. got help with $29,999 in AB1 hour ago
Tracey B. got help with $50,000 in BC1 hour ago
Alexander I. got help with $10,000 in NS1 hour ago
Olha S. got help with $35,000 in ON2 hours ago
Joey P. got help with $10,000 in AB2 hours ago
Daisy S. got help with $79,999 in AB2 hours ago
Veena K. got help with $20,000 in ON2 hours ago
Anita B. got help with $76,999 in AB2 hours ago
Dorothy J. got help with $56,000 in BC2 hours ago
Saray D. got help with $20,000 in ON2 hours ago
Ryan K. got help with $42,000 in ON2 hours ago
Justin T. got help with $10,000 in ON2 hours ago
Travis W. got help with $39,999 in AB3 hours ago
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More than 500,000 Canadians helped in 10 years

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Almost $500 million in debt eliminated

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300+ hrs. of education offered each year

As featured in logos
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Review your debts, budget and credit with a trained credit counsellor to see if you qualify for a debt management program and explore other options for relief, so you can avoid bankruptcy.

People enrolling icon

Take the time you need to decide. Once you are ready to enroll, we will call your creditors and work with them to lower your interest rates and stop late fees.

Money in hand icon

The program is easy! You make one payment to us each month, and we distribute the funds to your creditors on your behalf. You can be out of debt in as little as 36 months.


Rated 4.7 / 5 based on 6,778 reviews onTrustpilot
5 stars

Easy to use

Great easy to use


5 stars

quick service

needs were met at a fast

V D.

5 stars

Helped motivate me to…

I wasn’t judged, i am more motivated to pay debts sooner then later. I felt a lot of…


5 stars

The people are friendly…

The people are friendly and answer all your questions or concerns. Thank you.


5 stars

So streamlined

So streamlined; very clear on what they can do and the best options.


5 stars

Easy to use…

Excellent service


5 stars

Finance savior

Consolidated was very helpful and quick to come up with a solution to my financial…


5 stars

Nikhil made the entire…

Nikhil made the entire process so easy and painless. I was terrified to even make…

Pamela B

4 stars

Wonderful and helpful…

Wonderful and helpful customer service


5 stars

Sumaiya was very helpful

Sumaiya was very helpful, and friendly. I appreciated her patience, I am very busy…

Laura Mcmullin

5 stars

Very nice and helpful.

Very nice and helpful.

elsie murphy

5 stars

Great service and highly…

Great service and highly recommendable


5 stars


You made it easy and possible for me to pay off my debt. Thank you so much!

Laura Bell

Showing our 4 and 5 star ratings
